Hi, I’m Tina! I’m a Filipino Juris Doctor graduate and public servant. I help law students navigate their law school journey ahead with less stress.
I coach and mentor law students, as well as share everything and anything law school- and law student-related. If you’re a clueless and stressed law student, consider this place your safe space.
Even the most strong-willed law student would need a support system. And one of the ways to do that is to get yourself an effective coaching program.
As a law graduate, I have a bank full of tips, hacks, and tricks that helped me excel in and navigate my law school journey. Allow me to share them with you, here.
Believe it or don’t, law school life is actually a peculiar lifestyle. Let’s keep it light and simple as I share my ups and downs during my time as a law student.
Take a break from your readings and join me as I unravel my law school experience. Grab your caffeine and hangout with me.
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